Summer is here! Time to pull out the pool floaties, dust off your summer wardrobe, and find ways to get out there and enjoy the sunshine.
For us, summer has always signified a season of fun, play, and taking in all of God's blessings. There are so many good things God has given us. Consider the blue skies, the refreshing ocean, time well spent with friends and family, and delicious ice cream to help you cool off on a sweltering day.
This season is also a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time with Jesus and grow your faith, too.
Here are 50 things to add to your summer bucket list that will welcome God's presence and get you more in step with the Holy Spirit, whether that be connecting with your community or spending quality time with your friends.
P.S., we've included a downloadable PDF version of our bucket list here for you to print out and check things off as you go.
1. Join a Bible Study
What better way to kick off the new season than with a fresh new Bible study? Grab your gal pals, cook some yummy food, and gather around the table to discuss what God has been teaching you.
2. Attend a Worship Night
Up to date with your local church events? Why not attend one of your church's worship nights and connect with fellow believers! Inspirational music, powerful prayer time—all the good things!
3. Bake Cookies for a Neighbor
Nothing says welcome to the neighborhood than a freshly baked batch of cookies. Whether you have a new neighbor or not, take some time to create something your neighbor will love. Such a simple gesture can really go a long way.
4. Go on a Hike
Time to take advantage of these long summer days! Get outside and experience God in a whole new way. Enjoying God's creation is one of our favorite ways to grow our faith, as we come to see and appreciate glimpses of His character in our world.
5. Host a Neighborhood BBQ
Food brings people together like no other. Host a friendly neighborhood BBQ and brush up on your hospitality. This is a wonderful way to engage with those around you and nurture those relationships.
6. Write a Letter to a Loved One
Sometimes, good old-fashioned snail mail is the way to go. Give this bygone practice a try and send some letters to a friend or family member. There's something so precious and intentional about sitting down and putting pen to paper. It allows us to slow down and become more present.
7. Journal in Your Bible
Get your colorful highlighters ready! It's time to make the most of your quiet time and write about what you've been learning from the Word. You can journal in the margins or your very own special journal. Either way, it's a special way to retain God's Word.
8. Establish a Weekly Game Night
Yet another way to engage with your community and foster hospitality, this one's super fun and easy to get going. Consider inviting some people you're not very close with. This will give you the perfect opportunity to love on them.
9. Send an Encouraging Text
The littlest reminder at the right time can mean a lot. There is power in God's Word! Whatever your friends are going through, send them a quick reminder text letting them know you're thinking of them. Pro tip: include a Bible verse!
10. Enjoy a Family Beach Day
This goes back to experiencing God in nature. Some of the best days are those spent on hot days playing games with the family, soaking in all of God's goodness. This classic summer activity is a must.
11. Pray in the Morning
We're channeling Psalm 138:8 on this one: "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." Praying first thing allows you to begin the day from a posture of peace and intention.
12. Listen to an Uplifting Podcast
Have a long car ride ahead of you? Pass the time with an encouraging Christian podcast. If you're looking for our recommendations, check out our blog post on our Top 10 Christian Women's Podcasts to Inspire Hope.
13. Dance to Your Favorite Worship Song
This one's easy. You know you've got a worship song you just can't get out of your head. Crank up the volume and get your dancing shoes on, because our God is good and He is worth celebrating.
14. Memorize a Bible Verse
You've got ample time to pick an encouraging verse for the summer and memorize it. Write it down on sticky notes and place them all throughout your house. You'll have it down in no time!
15. Pray Over Someone
Find someone you can pray for, whether it's someone you know or a total stranger, too. Either way, it's such a meaningful way to lift them up and remind them of God's presence.
16. Lead a Children's Lesson at Church
Love the kiddos? Now's your chance to minister to them through your church. Consider volunteering your time to lead a lesson for vacation Bible school (or whatever your church's kids program is called.) Lots of giggles and hugs are sure to follow!
17. Serve at a Local Nonprofit
Pick a Saturday you're free and spend a couple of hours volunteering at a local nonprofit you care about. Could be the local food bank, a library, a homeless shelter—you name it! There's something so special about taking time out of your day to help those in need and it does wonders for your faith, too.
18. Watch a Sunset
We're suckers for a good sunset. After a long, stressful day at work, grab your spouse (or BFF) and head to a scenic overlook to experience the sunset. This is a lovely way to relax, unwind, and see God's beauty in action.
19. Get Crafty
If spiritual growth is what you're looking for, this is the way to have some fun with it. Head to your local craft store and pick up materials to work on some sort of art project. Paint a picture featuring your favorite verse at the moment or create handmade cards with inspirational words from Scripture to send out to friends.
20. Sing a Song from Psalms
This classic poetic literature book is filled with songs, ready and waiting for you to sing in praise to our God. Find a Psalm that matches your current mood, whether it's one of praise or lamentation, and sing out to God.
21. Treat Your Friend to a Faith-based Gift
Your friend could use some encouragement straight from the source of hope—the Bible! Love in Faith offers a variety of faith-based clothing and accessories, featuring Bible verses and imagery, to share the Gospel and inspire hope. Check out our selection here.
22. Babysit for a Friend
Sometimes, the best way to serve a friend is to give them the gift of time. If you have friends or neighbors with little ones, offer to babysit for an hour or two. Your friend will be so grateful to have some time to themselves.
23. Have a Screen Free Night
This all goes back to being present and mindful. If you want to grow in your faith this summer and become more in tune with the Holy Spirit, you have to make time for Him. Cut out the distractions in your life by establishing a screen-free night for you and your family.
24. Invite a Friend/Co-worker to Church
We all have that person we'd like to invite to church, whether it's our coworker or neighbor. Well, now's the time! If it's too intimidating to invite them to one of your usual services, consider inviting them to one of your church's fun events, like a potluck or BBQ.
25. Make a Prayer List
One of the easiest ways to remember all that God has done for you is to keep track of your prayer requests. Write down what you ask of God and when He answers your prayer. It's so meaningful to flip through pages filled with years of prayers answered and to see all that God has done in your life.
26. Follow an Encouraging Social Media Account
We all know how easy it can be to let social media rule our lives. Reclaim some intention and follow an account that inspires you, excites you, and fills you with hope.
27. Partake in Communion
The Lord's Supper is a sacred practice, reminding us of Christ's sacrifice on the cross for all of our sins. Sometime this summer, take some time to partake in communion at church.
28. Ask Someone to Pray for You
Do yourself a favor and ask someone to pray for you. We're called to bear one another's burdens and live life alongside each other. Whether you're going through a tough season or a not-so-tough season, you could always use some prayer.
29. Compliment a Stranger
This one's easy! Somewhere in your daily journey find someone to compliment, whether it's at the grocery store, on the street, or at the park, you name it. Bless someone with kind words and let them know that Jesus loves them.
30. Establish a Verse of the Summer
Where are you in life right now? What Bible verse has been speaking to you? Take that verse and make it your verse of the summer. Chances are, God is speaking to you through His Word and has something to share with you.
31. Share the Gospel with Someone
This is perhaps the most powerful display of love you can share with someone. It can be daunting, especially if you're not familiar with doing this, but God will equip you. Do you have someone in mind who you'd love to share the good news of the Gospel with? Take a moment right now and pray for this.
32. Go Stargazing
Calming, marvelous, and oh-so-relaxing, stargazing is the perfect summer activity. Grab your spouse or your friends and head to your backyard. This is an excellent backdrop for meaningful conversations as you gaze up at God's creation.
33. Go to a Concert
Have an outdoor concert in your town coming up? Buy yourself some tickets and get ready to dance the night away. Lots of laughter and memories to follow.
34. Plan a Fun Date Night
Life can get crazy sometimes, right? We're so busy with work, kids, and church that we can put some of our closest relationships on the back burner. Carve out some time in your schedule this summer to treat your significant other to a fun date night.
35. Declutter Your Home
Okay, hear us out on this one! You've probably got a closet or room in your house that could use some organization. Turn over a new leaf this season and simplify your life by decluttering. Think of how amazing it will feel to get this done!
36. Create a Gratitude Practice
Make this the summer of gratitude with your very own gratitude practice. Create some space in your daily rhythm to thank God for every good thing He has given you—the iced coffee you're about to enjoy, quality time with the kiddos, or the opportunity to head out on a family vacation.
37. Attend a LiF Facebook Live Event
Here at Love in Faith, we have all sorts of fun things coming up! For starters, we host monthly live events in our VIP Facebook Group. Complete with Bible trivia and prizes, you don't want to miss out on this!
38. Visit a Senior Center
Take a trip to your local senior center and connect with the elders of your community! This is a fantastic way to hear their stories and learn from their experience.
39. Curl Up with a Good Book
Head on out to the library and pick up your summer read, because it's time to relax by the pool! Pick out a book you've been dying to read and dedicate the summer to finishing it.
40. Go Camping with Your Small Group
There's something so special about getting outside with those you love. Opt for adventure this season and take your church small group on a fun wilderness retreat. Don't forget to pack s'mores!
41. Try Something New
Itching for a new adventure? Go outside of your comfort zone this summer and tackle something you've never done before. Travel somewhere new or pick up a new hobby. Either way, you're bound to learn something new about yourself—and God!
42. Read the Bible Every Day
Yep, you heard us right! Consider this your new challenge. Are you up for it? Depending on how much time you have available, pick a couple of verses to read through and let God's Word prepare you for the day.
43. Go to a Baptism
Baptisms are special, as they are outward displays of faith and commitment that fellow believers make in the presence of the church community. See if your church is hosting any outdoor baptisms this summer and join in the festivities.
44. Support Your Local Community
This one's vague, so we're giving you the creative freedom to support your community in whatever way you see fit. You could volunteer, host a neighborhood cleanup, or go to a town hall meeting. Either way, getting involved and meeting new people is the goal here.
45. Pay for Someone's Coffee Order
Pay it forward! The next time you're at your favorite coffee shop, pay for the next person's coffee order. This sweet, simple gesture of kindness is a great way to exercise your generosity and demonstrate God's love in our world.
46. Go on a Weekend Retreat
Pack up the family and choose a close(ish) destination for you to head to for the weekend! Use this opportunity to unplug, unwind, and reconnect with Jesus. Get ready to make some memories!
47. Visit Another Church
It's always a good idea to visit another church in your area. Get to know other believers, experience their church festivities, and partake in the body of Christ. This goes back to trying something new!
48. Plan a Church Potluck
With the promise of warmer weather means it's time to plan some outdoor church potlucks. Fire up the barbecue and divvy up the food list because it's time to gather around the table and enjoy everything God has given us.
49. Create a Summer Playlist
We all have those summer songs on repeat, so why not create a playlist? Jam out to your favorite tunes in the car and get swept up in the carpool karaoke with your friends and family.
50. Attend a Local Farmer's Market
Experience the bounty of God's harvest with a trip to your nearby farmer's market. Meet local farmers, taste the most delicious fruits and veggies, and get connected to your community.
We hope this bucket list inspires you to get out there and make some memories this summer! To make it even easier, you can download a PDF of our bucket list here, print it out, and check things off as you go.