Good morning, everyone! We hope your day is off to a great start. Mornings are a very special time—not just to be productive or get in a positive mindset, but it's an essential window to spend time with God. When you get up early(ish) at a decent time and open up Scripture or begin with prayer, you're welcoming Jesus into your day, and setting the tone for what's to come. Don't just take our word for it! Jesus Himself would withdraw from crowds and even His own disciples to spend time alone with the Father. Jesus set the example for how we are to live as well. We may have a busy day ahead of us, and encounter many people along the way, but when we start off in the Word and in prayer, we're reminding ourselves of His character and truth. Jesus is indeed who He says He is.
We know just how hectic life can get, though. We have lofty goals to get up early and read the Bible but soon enough we find ourselves scrolling on our phones, sleeping in, and rushing off to work. We're not here to dictate what routine works best for you, but we can say that if you carve out even 5 or 10 minutes a morning to spend time in Scripture, you'll notice such a difference.
Here are 7 ways to build the best morning routine with Jesus at the forefront.
1. Say No to Distractions
This is super easy to say, but not easy to do. One way we've tried to cut out digital distraction is by investing in an alarm clock. This one simple thing has drastically changed our mornings. Instead of reaching for our phones first thing, and getting swept up in the news or emails we have to deal with later, we're simply starting off the day on our own accord. No agenda, no rush, just a peaceful beginning to the morning. Try leaving your phone tucked away in a drawer until the end of your devotional.
2. Drink Coffee, Dig Into the Word
Of course, the choice of drink is up to you! There's something so satisfying about waking up to your favorite hot drink, whether that's coffee or tea, and sitting down to read the Bible. We've found this to be a helpful incentive, too. When you make it part of your routine, you get more and more excited for it each morning. So sit down and savor something tasty while you dive into Scripture. If anything, it's a sweet reminder how the Lord wants us to delight in Him—even in small, simple ways.
3. Take Note
By now we're sure you've heard that the more you write something down, the more you'll retain the information. The same applies here! So often when we wake up groggy and are in a mad rush to get ready, we can skim a few Bible verses and not really pay attention to what's being said. We encourage you to have a journal at hand or even a stack of sticky notes to write down verses that stand out. You can even put those sticky notes around the house as friendly reminders, too!
4. Make a Prayer List
As long as you've got prayer somewhere in your morning routine, you're set. However, we've found it to be helpful to get a tad more organized (should your schedule allow it!) and make a list of prayer requests or praises for you and your loved ones. It's always fun to go back through your old prayer journals and see how God has already answered those prayers—some you may have even forgotten about.
5. Remind Your Friends
Whatever you're reading in Scripture, we're sure there's a message worth sharing. Send a text to your friends and family and let them know what you're learning today, or even remind them that they're being prayed for. With work, kids, and hobbies, life can pass us by and soon we realize it's been weeks or months since we've last texted some good friends. When you make this part of your routine, you're encouraging others and nurturing those relationships, too.
6. Read a Psalm or Proverb
In a rush? Try picking out a Psalm or Proverb to focus on each day. These short pieces of wisdom and poetic literature are the perfect snack-sized verses from Scripture for a busy morning. Typically, they're short and sweet, but with a major lesson waiting to be uncovered. If you're at a loss for what to pray for the day, consider even praying a Psalm. These were David's prayers to the Lord, after all, and many of them perfectly encapsulate what we're longing to say.
7. The Lord's Prayer is Always a Good Idea
"Our Father in heaven, may Your name be honored. May Your kingdom come. May what You want to happen be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, just as we also have forgiven those who sin against us. Keep us from falling into sin when we are tempted. Save us from the evil one.’ “Forgive people when they sin against you. If you do, your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Sometimes when we sit down to pray, the words don't come. We find ourselves speechless. We either feel tired, sad, or even indifferent. We know prayer is important, but when life is hard or you're physically exhausted, we don't know what to pray. As always, look to the Bible for inspiration. Consider reading the Lord's Prayer, as seen in Matthew 6:9-13. This set of verses is the template for prayer that Jesus Himself revealed to His disciples. We see an affirmation that God is indeed holy and worthy of being praised. Next, there's a petition set that "thy will be done, on earth as it is on heaven." We're praying for a new heaven and a new earth, and fully surrendering to God. Next, we ask God to give us our daily bread—just enough of the Lord's presence and power to get us through the day. After all, Christ is the bread of life. We receive nourishment from Him in every way. We then ask God to forgive us of our sins, and for us to forgive others in turn. It ends with us asking God to deliver us from evil. Overall, a very important prayer—perfect for those days where you can't seem to find the words.
The Perfect Reminder
It's a new year! What better way to start fresh than with some awesome reminders of Jesus' love for us? Of course, establishing a solid morning routine is key, and diving into Scripture on a daily basis is a wonderful way to remember God's promises. But also, why not wear God's promises to us? Shop our selection of our Christian apparel, with collections featuring some of your favorite verses and imagery.