The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This particular passage is the Bible’s closest to giving us as believers a clear definition of the word or idea of faith. From this passage, it’s easy to ascertain that faith basically means having confidence or trust in God and His ability to oversee or organize our lives according to His will. The following is a resource for you as a believer to build upon saving faith and construct a strong foundation upon which to live your daily lives for Christ.
Practices of Building Strong Faith
Living a life committed to Christ is only possible with a strong faith. The world will knock us down over and over as we struggle to live for Christ in a society committed to anything but, so we have to protect ourselves by building up a protective layer of faith. Here’s a few ways to do just that:Read the Bible and Meditate

The Bible is immensely important to believers and should be a regular component of your daily routine. Not only is the Bible the love letter from God to us, but it also tells us everything we need to live for Christ on a daily basis. Meditation can go hand-in-hand with reading the Bible and can be an attentional way to commune with God. This is purposeful and Biblically based. In fact, several verses in the Bible advocate the inclusion of meditation when reading the scriptures:
Joshua 1:8
“The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all this written in it.”
Psalms 119:15
“I will meditate on your precepts, and fix my eyes on your ways.”
Unlike in the case of Eastern religious meditation, this type of meditative contemplation on scripture is focusing on the reading and communing with God about what you are reading.
Love in Faith created the perfect monthly subscription to help remind you of your faith and reading your bible, the BibleBox.
Read and Practice Scriptures
Another way to build strong faith is to memorize and practice scripture reading. While it’s admirable to read the Bible and a valid part of the Christian faith, memorizing specific scriptures is even more beneficial. While we all have access to a Bible on our phone or a hard physical copy, the scripture itself tells us we are supposed to dwell on scripture and memorize it, telling it to our families, writing it in our hearts. This is only possible if we commit scripture to memory.Pray
Praying is our only way to communicate with our heavenly Father. Even Jesus, during His earthly ministry, understood the value of praying. Are we as mere humans any less needing of our Father’s direction? What about the peace it gives, knowing that we have poured out our hearts and our innermost worries to Christ? We all want God to work in our lives and to coordinate our lives, fulfilling His purposes. Praying is also one way for us to go about establishing a consistent relationship with Christ. After all, you would never dream of having a relationship with someone (another person) on earth without ever communicating with them? To attempt to keep a relationship healthy without communication would be futile. In the same way, we cannot expect to get to know God intimately without communicating with him through prayer.Share in Your Faith
The Bible tells us to go and tell others about our faith in Christ. We are not called to be believers in a vacuum but to share the hope that is within us always. You can share a few ways. One is sharing your faith verbally. Another is wearing a shirt that has a scripture or other encouraging message. Beyond these tips, living a life for Christ will often allow you to stand out among your peers, prompting them to ask what is different about you. This is your opening to share your faith.Worship Regularly
While you can worship on your own, either through listening to praise music of hymns or by reading your Bible and praying, worshiping with other believers is also important. It doesn’t matter what type of Church you attend as long as it preaches and promotes the truths of the Bible. It also doesn’t matter if you get dressed up or participate in every activity your church hosts. The main purpose is to join in with a body of believers who can help support and encourage you as you work to build your faith up over time.Exercise Your Faith
The adage “don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk,” fits well here. It does no good to say you believe in Christ’s provision if you don’t actually put your faith in Him yourself. It also does no good to attend church if you don’t live a life for Christ Monday through Saturday. One way to exercise your faith is by giving to others. This can look like giving of your financial resources, or giving of your time. Either way, putting your faith into action is important in continuing to build your faith.Trust in God
God is trustworthy and has only your best interest in mind. He is a loving heavenly Father who wants you to live a life of abundance. This doesn’t mean that skies will always be sunny and there will never be problems to endure. Instead, it simply means you will always have God by your side as you face whatever comes your way.

How to build strong faith in God is a vastly important concept. After all, building strong faith is a key component of living a Christian life. Keep the tips above in mind as you seek to strengthen your faith throughout your daily walk with Christ. Remember, sharing your faith with others is important, so consider Love in Faith’s apparel to easily share your growing faith!