There comes a time when we fall at Jesus' feet in silence, at a complete loss for words. We try to formulate some sort of request or plea, but words fail us. We wait for the Holy Spirit to step in and provide some sort of guidance—anything to make us feel connected.
Prayer life isn't always an easy part of the Christian faith. Sure, we may experience times where we just feel on fire for Christ and our prayer time just comes easily, but there are also quieter seasons where we just feel listless and confused. While God is always there, ready and more than willing to connect with us, there can be multiple obstacles that hinder that connection.
Here are a few ideas to get the ideas flowing and your conversation with Jesus going, as well as some passages of Scripture to meditate on.
Follow the Formula
“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." ~ Matthew 6:9-13
The prayer of all prayers. This is the example Jesus set for His disciples, for all of us. Many of you have this dedicated to memory from your years in church, so why not put it to good use?The next time you're drawing a blank, turn to this passage in Matthew and follow the formula.
Essentially, the Lord's prayer has everything you need to have meaningful fellowship with God. There's an affirmation of God's heavenly authority, a call for His will to be done, a petition for God to provide for our needs, and ends with a praise. No matter what we want or request of God, we should always affirm His goodness—whatever the outcome may be.
Thank God for His Creation
"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." ~ Romans 1:20
There's something incredibly freeing about being outside in God's creation. Our soul knows what it needs and we find the rest we've been so earnestly seeking. The next time you're feeling uninspired or just blah, go for a walk outside. Whatever beauty you see, turn around and thank God for it.
This could be a multitude of things—the cotton candy sky, the gentle ocean waves lapping at your toes, or even the sweet doggo kisses from your fur baby. Everything is a gift from Him.
Embrace the Silence
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." ~ Mark 1:35
Jesus often embraced silence and so should you! When in doubt, if you find it hard to fill the silence, accept it and use it as time to sit in God's presence. If the Lord wants to bring anything to your attention, He will.
Oftentimes we feel as if we have to keep moving, keep checking things off our to-do list in order to be productive. There's beauty to be found in slowing down and living more deliberately, and that includes those moments of silence, too. If you're daunted by prayer time or even in a creative rut, don't hesitate to go for a walk in silence, meditating on God. You'll be surprised how inspiring it is!
Key Takeaways
- Want to pray but can't find the words? Follow the Lord's Prayer, as seen in Matthew 6:9-13.
- God can always be found in nature. If you're in need of some solitude and a clean slate, go for a prayer walk and thank God for what you see—the blue sky, the wildlife, the changing leaves.
- Silence can be a wonderful thing. While it can be intimidating, try to use this as time to reflect and ask the Holy Spirit to bring anything to your attention.
A Reminder to Rejoice
God uses everything for His good, LiF sister. It's okay if things don't go according to plan. In fact, that's to be expected! Come to Jesus with open hands, ready to receive whatever He has for you, but also ready for Him to change your plans as needed. Our team creates our Christian t-shirts with hopeful messages displayed front and center, ready to give you the encouragement you need to get through the day.