Why is it so hard to be cheerful? To be generous?
This is a question I ask myself often. No matter how far along I seem to get in my faith journey, there are still seasons where I quite frankly don't feel very loving. I want to focus on what I want, versus the needs of others.
Makes it tough for this month in particular—the ultimate season of giving, of serving, of happiness, of togetherness.
If you're like me, you recognize the need to rectify our attitudes, to try our very best to be more like Jesus, in whatever way possible. I don't know about you, but I feel the most bitter, the most selfish when I allow the distractions of the world to flood my focus.
In today's post, I thought it would be a helpful reminder to unpack the importance of reconnecting with the one true source of life—God's Word. This really is the key to resisting bitterness and adopting the cheerful attitude we're after.
Notice Where Your Attention Goes
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." ~ Matthew 6:21
First things first, it's time to take inventory of your daily ritual. If you're wanting to change your attitude, you've got to unpack the elements in your environment that could perpetuate toxic thoughts and behaviors. Consider what you watch, who you spend time with, and the like.
I love the verse from Matthew because it's so telling. Where do we put our stock? Where do we direct our gaze? Whatever we give our attention to influences us, for better or for worse.
Prayerfully consider if anything should be changed in your life, from the tv you watch to the social media you consume. This is the first step in transforming your attitude.
Start & End the Day in the Word
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." ~ 2 Timothy 3:16
The ultimate solution to a bitter, cold heart is to study God's Word, and on a regular basis. It isn't enough to pick it up once in a while and call it good. There's something to be said for starting and ending the day in Scripture, letting God's Word wash over you and refresh you.
Before you leave your house, scroll social media, or let anything else influence you should be checking in with God and seeing what He has for you today. Think about it, a large portion of your bitterness can stem from what you find on social media. At least, this is true for me.
I see the highlights of other people's lives on display for all to see and it makes me question the excitement and value of my own life. Don't get me wrong, social media can be a great tool to connect, but it can also be a thief of joy, if unchecked.
God is doing something incredible and wholly unique in your life, LiF sister. Don't waste precious hours delving into others' lives when something miraculous is happening right before your eyes. Just something to think about.
Fight to Remain Soft & Kind-Hearted
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” ~ Ephesians 4:32
It's a cold, cruel world we live in. We see blatant reminders of this every day. Despite all of the unpleasantness we're in, strive to remain soft. What do I mean by this? In a society that pressures you to become more bitter, more angry, more polarized, strive remain kind.
Consider Jesus' personhood, His character. He was a man of deep conviction—a firm core, but He also had soft edges—an unfailingly kind attitude towards all. His inner world was firm and resolute, rooted in the truth of God, but His outer world, His relationship with others, was exceedingly kind. This is exactly what we should seek, too.
The anecdote to bitterness is softness.
Key Takeaways
- If you're wanting to change your attitude, you've got to unpack the elements in your environment that could perpetuate toxic thoughts and behaviors.
- The ultimate solution to a bitter, cold heart is to study God's Word, and on a regular basis.
- In a society that pressures you to become more bitter, more angry, more polarized, strive remain kind.
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