As Christians, our first and primary example to follow is Jesus, as His life lived here on earth is our ultimate roadmap for living. Furthermore, we are called by scripture to be in the world not of the world, meaning that our lives will be set apart, different from the ones popularized by the modern world. In fact, it’s now more important than ever before to set ourselves apart, refusing to enter the broad gate the world takes that leads only to pain and destruction and instead aiming to traverse the narrow way that leads to life. Of course, determining how to live like Jesus Christ isn’t always as easy as one might hope. Thankfully, there are many scriptures that educate us on the matter in addition to other guidelines we can follow that help us meet the goal— or at least attain to it— of living like Jesus.
Why Ask: How Do I Live Like Jesus?
Before delving into the topic of how to live like Christ or defining what does it mean to live like Jesus, it's important to answer the question, why? Why try to live like Christ, especially in a world that does everything but honor that particular life choice? To put it simply, we are to live like Christ because he said so. We are called to be set apart as we outlined above. We are not to be like everyone else, and we are not to “fit in” to a culture that looks down on the principles and morals of a life that honors God.
How Do We Live Like Jesus Daily

As Christ’s followers, we are called to live daily for Christ. Defining exactly how to do this, though, can be a bit tricky. Thankfully, we have a guidebook that has been put together for us by our heavenly Father in the form of the Holy Word of God, the Bible, that explains exactly how we are supposed to accomplish this feat. Just a few of the many scriptures pertaining to this subject are listed below for your perusal:
Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
In this passage, we are commanded to be different from the world’s pattern, not to conform. What this means is we should seem different than anyone in the world who isn’t living a life committed to Christ. The verse goes on to explain that not conforming to the world also allows us to live a life where we can test and approve of God’s will. In other words, when we are not living a life committed to worldly gain and aspirations, it allows us to live more freely for Christ and consider opportunities from a Biblical perspective, not just from a worldly point of view. A good adage to remember as a believer is: live in such a way that if you were ever accused of being a Christian, there would be enough evidence to convict you.
Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
This is a practical example we as believers can follow that makes us different from the world. The verse explains that we as believers should be compassionate, kind and forgiving. This most certainly goes against the world’s standards of a dog-eat-dog world and survival of the fittest. This instead looks at people with love and considers their feelings, their hopes and dreams, etc, instead of seeing them as mere tools or steps to climb to get ahead in the world. In addition, the call to forgive each other is bold, it is living like Christ in a modern world. Notice this verse doesn’t say forgive them once they have begged for your forgiveness and promise never to wrong you again. Nope, it says, forgive them as Christ forgave you. Wow! This means just as we are woefully unworthy of our own forgiveness yet Christ freely gave it, we are to give it to others who might be anything but worthy of the sentiment.
Hebrews 13:5
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”
This verse gives us another practical example of how to live like Jesus every day. The world is full of discontentment. In fact, the entire advertising industry basically exists to convince us all that we are not satisfied with our current lot in life. We need a new car, a technologically-advanced appliance, a beautiful home, etc. We are taught that what we have isn’t good enough and we need to buy the newer, better, faster version. What they don’t share though is this love of money and prospects that the world values only serves to wear us out and distract us from what we really should be doing, which is serving God daily by living like Jesus. Therefore, being content and being free from the love and pursuit of money is one way to answer the question: how do I live like Jesus?
2 Timothy 3:16-17
“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
This verse explains how all the scripture is helpful for helping us train to live for Christ and for equipping us for the process. After salvation, the process of learning how to live for Christ is not instantaneous. Instead, it is a lifetime growth process where we continually learn more and more what it means to serve Christ with our lives on a daily basis.
Bottom Line: Learning How to Live Like Jesus in the Modern World isn’t Easy, but it’s Worthwhile

Suffice it to say that living a life committed to Christ, a life like Jesus in today’s modern world is anything but easy. However, by keeping the above scriptures in mind, attending church regularly to be encouraged, praying and continuing to make Bible reading a daily habit, you are headed in the right direction. In addition, you can purchase clothing through Love in Faith which will allow you to wear items that will constantly remind you where your allegiance lies and encourage you to keep living for Christ, allowing you to answer how to live like Jesus everyday.