In today’s world of pain and suffering, many friends within our lives are facing battles on a daily basis. Some of these we know about, many others we might not know anything about. However, even when we do know about the struggles our friends are living through, it can be difficult to find the right words of encouragement or to know what to say or what to do to help them. In many cases, praying for them either out loud with them or on your own on their behalf can be the most powerful and effective action we can take. Storming the gates of heaven on your friend’s behalf is for sure one way to show them you love and care about them more than they will ever know.
We have all been there when the month lasts longer than the money. We have all lost a job or had a potential financial prospect fall through. We all know this disappointment and the fear that comes along with not knowing how to make ends meet. Thankfully, we serve a God who is more than able to provide for our needs, who turned a small boy’s lunch into a feast that fed thousands, who provided manna in the desert for 40 years when His people were on their way to the Promised Land, a God who is more than capable to provide exceedingly more than we can think or ask. Of course, our friends can also have needs pertaining to other life situations, like health, grief or finding themselves in the midst of a crisis. Let’s face it, this world can get pretty difficult in several ways. Thankfully, we can lift our friends up to heaven’s throne room by praying the following heartfelt prayers on their behalf:
Encouraging Prayer
This prayer is best suited for times of discouragement, depression and despair when life’s battles are closing in. We have all lived through them. Use this prayer to uplift your friend who needs some encouragement:
Dear Lord,
I pray for my friend right now. I pray that you will help them with the struggles they are going through in this season. For you know exactly what they need in this moment. Draw near to them and let them feel your presence. Open their eyes, ears, and hearts to you. Help them have the discernment to hear your voice as you lead them in their next steps. Speak to them as they read your word and bring verses of encouragement and comfort to their attention. I pray that you will calm any fear or anxiety they may be feeling. Replace it with the confidence to obey your word and to trust you. I pray that your guidance will be clear to them from this day forward. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Shelter from Crisis Prayer

The following prayer could fit a lot of situations in life that would fall under the heading of crisis. This could include how to pray for a friend who is sick or how to pray for a grieving friend. Suffice it to say that this prayer would fit well with any situation that has thrown your friend’s life into a whirlwind or has caused a storm in their life.
Gracious Father,
You are the giver of all good things, and I see friendship high up on Your list of blessings. My close friend is walking through a crisis in their life. My heart is breaking for them, and I feel helpless. I know I am not helpless because I have You. Therefore, I come before You and seek Your help for my friend. Reach Your loving hand out and draw my friend in close to You. Shelter them from their storm and fight the battle for them. Amen.
Return to Happiness Prayer
While God doesn’t necessarily promise happiness in the Bible, he does promise he will give us life and give it more abundantly. God doesn’t want us or our friends to merely exist in this life but to live with joy! The following prayer is one that is appropriate when happiness has left your friend's life.
Faithful God,
I am before You right now because I am concerned for my friend. They are in a place of great sadness, and I don’t know what to do to help them. Your Word tells us that when our lives please, You give us happiness. My friend is in desperate need of happiness, so I pray for the strengthening of their relationship with You. If something is pulling them away from You and causing their sadness, I pray You would bear Your mighty right arm and pull them back to safety. Amen.
Come Back to Peace Prayer
Thankfully, we serve a God who provides peace beyond human reasoning or worldly understanding. There is no better source to go to when seeking peace than the God of peace. The following is a great example of a prayer that fits well when a friend needs peace from above.
my Peace-bringer, many traps and snares are lying in wait for the helpless in this world. Often Your children fall on their faces because of these traps. My friend has allowed themselves to become entangled with the cares and concerns of this world. Their unrest is painful to watch, but I seem unable to be of any consolation to them. Lord, please speak softly to my friend and help them return to a place of peace with You. I pray they will learn to look to You for their peace and help in all life’s issues. Lord Jesus, be their Peace-bringer. Amen.
Bottom Line: Prayer Changes Things

Although you might feel you are not “doing anything” by praying for your friend, in reality, by praying on your friend’s behalf, you are doing the most for them possible, bringing God into the situation. Consider also perhaps purchasing an item from our Love in Faith Apparel line to put a smile on their face!