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Raising Godly Kids

Tips for Raising Kids God’s Way

Posted by Dave & Katie

August 18, 2021

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Pastor and author Andy Stanely once said, “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.” This quote exemplifies the immense impact you as a parent have on your children’s future and by extension their future contributions to society. In addition, by raising them in faith to be Godly, you will give them the tools they need to survive everything life throws at them, with its many ebbs and flows both good and bad. Therefore, raising kids God’s way is ideal, teaching them to embrace your faith as their own. If you aren’t sure how to go about accomplishing this eternally important task, the following tips will get you pointed in the right direction:

Tips for Kids and Parents: How to Raise Godly Kids

You have the unique privilege and the weighty responsibility of being your kids’ first introduction to faith. The tips for kids and parents will get you headed in the right direction on this journey.

Teach The Bible

The Bible is God’s roadmap for life. Therefore, teaching your children the word of God is the first step in helping them become Godly adults.

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road when you lie down and when you get up.”

These verses showcase why it is so important to train up a child in the way God would want us to impress upon our children. Training up a child in this sense could include several disciplines, but teaching them the word of God should be high on the priority list as it's through knowing the word of God, their life is shaped in every way.

Pray With Them

Prayer is our way to communicate with God. Part of helping your child become a Godly adult includes fostering this discipline of prayer. Aim to make prayer a habit, not that you say the same words every day necessarily (although there is nothing wrong with this), but simply use various opportunities during the day to create a regular habit of praying. Good examples of this include praying before meals and at bedtime.

Lead by Example

Your kids need to see you live out your faith on a daily basis. This is a vital step in raising a child in the faith. If your kid knows what you say you believe but doesn’t see any actual evidence of it in your life, they will quickly catch on and will not take their own faith seriously.

Take Them to Church

Speaking of taking your faith seriously, going to church is an important way to promote faith growth within your child. Various programs within the church, like children and youth ministries, are helpful. However, more than any program, simply sitting alongside you as you worship the Lord and listen to His word through preaching, is extremely beneficial. Going to church should become second nature to your kid. It's not a question of whether you will go to church as a family but instead an expectation.

Tips for Parents: Raising Godly Kids

Tips for Parents

Unfortunately, even if you do everything right and follow all the tips listed above, your kids might still stray from God or be unmotivated to learn more about God. This isn’t abnormal as kids have to walk a personal faith journey, not simply believe what their parents do and sometimes this process is arduous. Stay focused on God when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated as this is not at all uncommon. Many people have prodigals that they have to wait on for years to figuratively “come back home”. Here are some tips to encourage you during this time as you attempt to guide a child towards faith that is less than enthused:

Look to God

God will always be present in your life. Remember Proverbs 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” While it might seem like God is distant and doesn’t care about our plight here on earth— such as what we are facing as parents on a daily basis— this couldn’t be further from the truth. God does care, and so He gives us His presence and His word as we navigate the trials of this life.

Follow His Teachings

The Bible is full of wisdom for all facets of life and raising children, or dealing with a wayward child is no exception. Seek God’s wisdom through His word and learn what you should do in various situations involving your children. There simply isn’t a situation that will come up that isn't somehow addressed in God’s words.

Reach Out to Others

In some cases, it’s helpful to seek the help of others who have been there and done that. Ask older members of your church or within your family to advise you on how to raise children in God’s way. Many parents of now-grown children who are walking with God will be happy to share some tricks of the trade with you that will get you through this time.

This Too Shall Pass

Cool Moms Love Jesus Shirt

Remember, while it might seem like the storm of raising children in faith will never cease, the waves will never stop rolling, the rain will never stop beating down on you, in nearly all cases, things will improve, and you will once again enjoy the sunshine on your face. If you follow the tips listed above, your children will most likely grow up to become Godly adults. Consider purchasing from Love in Faith as another way to further encourage yourself to keep the faith. These Christian shirts and faith products feature positive messages that will remind you day in and day out of the goodness of God as you guide your children towards faith.