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Prayers for Students and Teachers

Prayers for Students and Teachers

Posted by Dave & Katie

October 21, 2021

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Being a few months into the school year—coming up fast on holiday breaks— now is a great time to once again consider the challenges faced by students and teachers of all levels and stages. To impart your well-wishes and covet God’s intervention, it is vitally important to remember not only students but their teachers as well in your prayers regularly, even if you don’t personally have a student enrolled in school at the present time. After all, regardless of location, there have been unique challenges that have come together to make the everyday stress that accompanies the field of education that much more stressful. Therefore, there is hardly a human being not affected in some way by these added stressors placed on the educational system. Students and teachers are especially vulnerable and in need of increased prayers. We have compiled a list of prayers for teachers and staff you can implement into your daily prayer routine to help you remember all the students and teachers across the nation.

Prayers for Students: Simple Short Prayers for Students

Students are under an immense amount of stress in today’s time to meet academic standards as well as maintain specific behavior while at school. Of course, they also have to deal with quarantine mandates, mask-wearing, screenings and time missed from school due to COVID. Add to this, the fact that this is a challenging time of life already when students, especially those in middle and high school, face all sorts of pressure to “fit in,” which of course, most often goes against the standards of their faith. The following are daily prayers for students you can incorporate into your prayer life:

Lord our God,

In your wisdom and love, You surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your Spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever closer to You, the source of all knowledge.

We ask this through Christ our Lord


Lord Jesus,

Please give our kids Your peace and protection. We pray this crazy time will lead them to take every single thing they are worried about to You in prayer, so that Your peace, which passes all understanding, will guard their hearts and minds in You. Allow this that they might rest in Your goodness and certainty of Your eternal promises.



Please help our students and children to rest in You, knowing that You have overcome this world. When the cares of their hearts are many, Jesus, may Your consultations cheer their souls. Your Spirit fills our kids with power and love and self-control, which they (and we) desperately need. When they pass through deep waters and endure fiery trials, Jesus, we pray they will feel Your grip on them is steady and sure. Nothing —not a virus, not anxiety, not fear, not worry, not anger, not depression—nothing can separate our kids from the love You have for them in Christ Jesus.



Prayers for Teachers and Staff

Within the educational system, these adults stand in the gap for our kids, teaching them, giving them support, protecting them, etc. This job is arduous, tiring and often thankless. Consequently, these professionals need our prayers now more than ever before. Consider the following prayers to remember all those who work to educate children and for some prayers from the perspective of an educator who desires to seek God’s guidance and wisdom:

(Educator’s Perspective)


Please fill me with Your understanding as I instruct others, help me to see the individual potential of every student I teach. Father, please fill me with Your patience as I teach others, help me to keep giving of my time and energy, especially to those who struggle the most. Father, please give me Your divine wisdom as I am with my class, show me when I must discipline and when I can show mercy. Father, help me to depend totally on You, for You are the source of my strength, courage and peace. Father, above all, may I love and care for each student I teach. Show me how to serve as Christ serves, give as Christ gives and love as Christ loves. I ask all this in the precious name of Jesus, my savior and friend.


(Parent’s or Supporter’s Perspective)

Dear God,

Grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them the grace to help students who aren’t thriving, the courage to say what needs to be said, the tools and knowledge of how and when to speak love and the strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small—yet incredibly important—ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come.


(Teacher’s Perspective)

Mighty God,

You are omniscient. You know all, see all and understand all things. You created everything in Your time and for Your purpose. Sometimes, I feel as though I have no idea what I’m doing. There are days I worry that I’m failing my students, that maybe I’ve even chosen the wrong career. Would you remind me I’m not alone? Let me hear Your voice and Your words soothing reassurance. When my teacher friends are confused and feel lost, please whisper hints of Your love, reassuring them that, no matter what, You are always present, and You are in control. Thank You for being the Lord of my life. Thank You for guiding me each moment and for demonstrating your eternal love.

In Christ’s name,


Don’t Forget Teachers and Students

Love Teacher Tee

Keep the above inspiring prayers for students and uplifting prayers for teachers in mind as you pray as an educator yourself or pray on behalf of teachers and students. Consider purchasing a teacher shirt from Love in Faith, as a practical way you can show your appreciation to the teachers in your life or purchase an item for yourself that will be a reminder as you wear it of the importance and value of prayer.